Affordable Individual Health Insurance alternative to Obamacare.
Ibis Insurance – Guiding People To Their Best Health and Life Insurance Options.
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The Affordable Alternative to Obamacare!
Why is Obamacare so expensive?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care act (ACA), often called Obamacare, has made health insurance a lot more expensive. According to eHealth, the average cost of an individual ACA health insurance plan increased 123% from 2013 to 2018. During that same period of time, average monthly premiums for families increased by 174%!
Whether you want them or not, an ACA plan is required to include all mandated benefits. Chances are, you’re paying for coverage that you don’t want or need.
Even if you’re healthy, you’re charged the same premium as those who don’t take care of themselves. Insurance companies are required to offer coverage to everyone, no matter how sick they are. Without underwriting, healthy people end up paying a lot more.

Peace of Mind.
- Individual Health Insurance
- Medicare Advantage and Supplements
- Long Term Care insurance
- Life Insurance
- Small Group Health Plans

We have a legal, affordable alternative to Obamacare.
You have Individual Health Insurance options!
Select the health insurance benefits you need and can afford.
The Health Saver Plus Gold plan from Philadelphia American Life Insurance Company of Houston, Texas provides customized coverage for you and your family.
Choose what you want, when you want it.
There’s no more penalty for choosing health insurance that you want and can afford. And you’re allowed to make a change anytime, not just during Open Enrollment.
Use any doctor or hospital.
Use any doctor or hospital you choose without penalty. Choose a network provider for additional savings. Optional Accident, Specified Illness, Critical Illness, and Dental plans provide additional protection and peace of mind.
You Always Have Other Options!
You’re no longer required to have Minimum Essential Coverage that meets the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements. This means it’s OK to shop around for other options without paying a fine.
Reimagine health insurance by paying your doctor on the spot
Pay your doctor instantly at the time of your visit using your Sidecar Health payment card. Take advantage of discounts doctors offer when you pay upfront – since they don’t need to chase down insurance reimbursements – and get more affordable health care. And, say goodbye to surprise bills down the road.

Ibis Insurance will help to protect your health and your family
Individual Health Insurance
We typically save our clients as much as 50% in premiums over a traditional ACA policy. They enjoy the advantages of being able to see any doctor they want, enrolling anytime during the year, and customizing coverage to fit their needs.
Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage is an “all in one” alternative to Original Medicare. These bundled plans include Part A, Part B, and usually Part D (prescription drug coverage). Most plans have $0 premium, low co-pays and an annual limit on what you would have to pay out of pocket. They also may offer extra benefits, such as dental, vision, hearing, and fitness membership.
Medicare Supplements
Medicare Supplement insurance policies can help pay the costs of health care services that aren’t covered by Original Medicare, including co-pays, coinsurance, and deductibles. Though sold by private insurance companies, these policies are regulated by Medicare so each standardized policy offers the same coverage, regardless of the issuing company. As an independent agency, Ibis Insurance shops all the different companies. We have saved our clients thousands of dollars in health insurance premiums.
Long Term Care Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance can protect your family and your estate from the high costs of home health care, assisted living, or nursing home. These expenses are not covered by Medicare. We have options that ensure that you never run out of money for Long Term Care and premiums will never go up.
Life Insurance
No one really wants to think about life insurance. But if someone depends on you financially, it’s a topic you can’t avoid. In the event of a tragedy, life insurance proceeds can pay for funeral costs or help pay the bills and meet ongoing living expenses. Life insurance can also help to pay off outstanding debt, including credit cards, mortgage, or to continue a family business. Let’s have the conversation. We will guide you through easy steps to help you determine what kind and how much life insurance is right for you
Small Group Health Plans
Under Obamacare, businesses are required to follow the employer mandate when it comes to providing health insurance for their employees. Even if you’re a small business, you could be in big trouble if you don’t know the rules. We will help you find an affordable solution that benefits your company and your employees and will keep you out of the penalty box.
Have some insurance questions?
We would be happy to discuss your alternative to Obamacare.

Amy Robinson
Ibis Insurance
701 Santa Isabel Blvd., Suite 2
Laguna Vista, TX 78578
956/433-0174 (office)
956/874-8982 (cell)